Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon April 2018: Wrap up!

The readathon is over! And it honestly was a lot of fun. I hadn't been reading too much lately, and it was great to be able to dedicate one day to just that. Now let me tell you about the 546 pages I read. El maratón de lectura ha terminado. Y la verdad que lo disfruté mucho. Últimamente no había tenido tiempo para leer, y me encantó poder dedicar un día a hacer solo eso. Ahora dejadme que os cuente que me parecen las 546 páginas que leí. -"We should all be feminists" & "Dear Ijeawele, A feminist manifesto in fifteen suggestions", by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. I gave 5 stars to both of these books. It was the first two I read, and I completely loved them. I liked "We should all be feminists" a bit less, since it was more of general message. It made me think a lot, but I find "Dear Ijeawele..." to be more of my kind of message. As a feminist, I enjoyed both, but I found one more complete than the other. Highly rec...