
Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2013

Models streetstyle: Tilda Lindstam, Sweden

I heard once that Swedish people had a different sense of style, and I think Swedish models are the best example. Both Tilda Lindstam and Frida Gustavsson have amazing streetstyles, because it doesn’t matter what they wear, it always looks good. I guess that’s why they’re models ;) But what I mean is that if we look at their looks very carefully, we can see they both wear all types of clothes but they always add their personality. This time I want to show you Tilda’s style (I already talk to you about Frida’s  http://putonachicface.blogspot.com.es/2012/08/models-streetstyle-frida-gustavsson.html  ), so you can see how amazing it is, and you may get some inspiration. Escuche una vez que la gente sueca tenía un modo diferente de entender la moda, y creo que las modelos suecas son un gran ejemplo de ello. Tanto Tilda Lindstam como Frida Gustavsson tienen un estilo increíble, porque da igual lo que se pongan, siempre están guapas. Supongo que por eso son modelos ;) ...

Vogue Paris September 2013: “Parisiennes” editorial

Karlina Caune for Vogue Paris’ supplement, by David Bellemere. I used to like Vogue Paris so much it was insane. I only bought two issues because it was difficult for me to put hands on them, and because they were a bit too expensive for a girl who was still in college. But now, I just get disappointed most months. I know Carine and Alt can’t be compared, but it’s obvious that it was Carine who made the magazine so amazing. She had her bad moments too, but she created amazing stuff. This year’s September issue was yet another disappointment, but I did enjoy this editorial you can find on their FNO supplement. I assume you get this when you buy the main magazine, but I can’t promise it. This ed features several models, but the one who stands out for me is Karlina Caune. And I’m not even sure about her, because she’s definetely beautiful, but I tend to forget she’s there. It’s like I see her and I realize she’s a good model who looks good, but she doesn’t have that thi...